This is the solution I came up with, using PDFtk and a bit of cmd script.
It creates files in a sub folder called output, so make sure that exists before you try and run it.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "source=%~dp0"
set "name=%1"
call :burst %name%
) else (
call :usage
goto :xit
set "file=%~nx1"
echo Working on %file%
for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined mydate set mydate=%%x
SET "mytime=%mydate:~0,14%"
pdftk %name% burst output "%source%output\%file%_%mytime%_%%04d.pdf"
for %%d in (%source%output\doc_data.txt) do del %%d
echo Done!
goto :EOF
echo Nothing to do... drag a file onto me!
goto :EOF
timeout /T 3